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Useful Mesothelioma Information To Know

Mesothelioma is a rare form tumor cancer.  It refers to the cancerous tumor which primarily involves the mesothelial cells of the human organs, usually abdominal organs or lungs. Since most mesothelioma cancer cases are unsuccessful, it is just important to know some mesothelioma information to make sure you are not afflicted with this threatening disease.

Pleural mesothelioma is the common type of mesothelioma disease . This mesothelioma cancer strikes the pleura which is the membrane between the lungs and the chest cavity.  A lubricated surface to prevent the lungs from chaffing against the chest walls is provided by the membrane.  So, a pleural mesothelioma attack is also known as lung cancer.

Another form of mesothelioma cancer that frequently occurs is called  peritoneal mesothelioma. This cancer afflicts the peritoneum membrane which  encloses the abdomen organs.  Although peritoneal mesothelioma does not  occur as commonly as Pleural mesothelioma, it does tends to be more threatening and invasive.  Therefore, this may result in a shorter life period for the patient.

Mesothelioma Information – Brief History

Where does mesothelioma come from?  This is the most common question asked by persons diagnosed with mesothelioma.  The most common short  answer: exposure to airborne asbestos particles.  When a person is diagnosed this disease,  the cancer’s onset is usually found to be related to a history of asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a mineral, mined and used for many decades as a main thermal insulation material.  Since the 1920’s, it has been widely known that asbestos is a carcinogen, which can cause cancer. Still, asbestos continued to be used in many products until the early part of 1970, and consequently is found currently in many buildings today.60,000 die of asbestos mesothelioma

A unique feature of various asbestos caused diseases is that they have a long latency period.  In other words, from the day of exposure to asbestos fibers and breathing the asbestos dust and the noticeable onset of the cancerous disease can take many years.  A common latency period for mesothelioma cancer can be 20 to 50 years, and sometimes more time.  Therefore, a person can be exposed to asbestos many years ago and only now begin to show the development and signs of mesothelioma.

Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Mesothelioma

With mesothelioma, the signs and symptoms for this cancer can be very general, and unfortunately doctors have misdiagnosed and often neglected and ignored the signs.  In many cases, the signs and symptoms for this cancer type arise between 2 and 3 months before the cancer is fully diagnosed.

Making decisions about what to do with mesothelioma cancer is greatly dependent upon which stage the tumor is at upon discovery.  When you have an early diagnosis of mesothelioma than surgical intervention can sometimes prolong life expectancy.  Depending on the patient’s physical condition and age, the option for surgery may not be possible.  In addition to the option for surgery, then chemotherapy and radiation treatment may be useful in the treatment of mesothelioma.  Finally, home care and pain reduction options are common alternatives and considerations during the later stages of mesothelioma cancer before death.

Where To Go After A Diagnosis with Mesothelioma?

When a person has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it becomes most important to understand and know the medical treatment options available for the patient.  Always contact and ask questions with an oncologist, or at least your personal doctor so they can provide you with information about mesothelioma as well as some treatment options to choose from.

If you need to speak with an oncologist, Dr. Gill with the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America welcomes your questions and will gladly provide answers for free.  Simply click on this link and use this contact form to send the doctor your concern.

How Mesothelioma Might Impact Long Term Health

Mesothelioma Diagnosis

While it might seem that a diagnosis is the most important part of mesothelioma and handling your health, this is far from the case. The diagnosis is merely the starting point from which you need to begin treatment. And though your health might be something you consider to be priceless, it is also something which can be very expensive when it comes to managing mesothelioma. This is why those with mesothelioma seek legal restitution for their injuries. Though your initial diagnosis can be traumatic, the bills which come from your long term care can be catastrophic without the financial help you deserve from an employer.

Mesothelioma is a Cancer

malignant mesothelioma xrayAs one of the rarest forms of cancer, mesothelioma is a condition which impacts not only the lungs, but the entire body as well. A cancer is a condition in which cells are damaged at the DNA level and then when they replicate, the cells are then damaged, causing pain, illness, and tumors. If the cells can be destroyed via radiation, chemotherapy, or other treatments, the cancer can be cured. But as mesothelioma tends to spread in the body before it is detected, it can be difficult to cure this cancer without using a combination of treatments, all of which may not completely remove the cancer from the body.

Radiation and Chemotherapy for Mesothelioma

In order to stop the spread of mesothelioma in the body, most doctors will prescribe radiation and chemotherapy treatments. While these can be wildly successful, they can also be very difficult to manage in some patients. As every patient is different and every cancer is different, you may find that your mesothelioma doesn’t respond to one treatment, but does respond to another – and of course that is the treatment which is not covered by your insurance policy. Each radiation and chemotherapy treatment can cost thousands of dollars and they need to be given regularly in order to provide the results you and your mesothelioma need.

Surgery and Combination Treatments

Sometimes, the only thing which can be done to help mesothelioma is to remove the tumors which are spreading in the body. This is painful, extensive, and possibly even debilitating if there are enough tumors which need to be removed. With the proper financial compensation for mesothelioma, you will be able to not only pay for the surgeries and their related costs, but you will also be able to pay for the pre- and post- care needs. You will be able to also have follow-up surgeries if the mesothelioma proves to be difficult to manage.

More Mesothelioma Articles

What Are The Stages of Mesothelioma Cancer Development?

Mesothelioma Cancer

One rare form of cancer is called Mesothelioma, a malignant tumor in the mesothelial tissues of the lungs and the abdomen, arising from the inhalation of asbestos. Because it is rare many people are unaware of this fatal disease. There are many people who go undiagnosed and die of Mesothelioma.  While there is a growing awareness of asbestos hazards  to health, too many people have not learned about Mesothelioma and therefore do not understand its cause, nature, signs and treatment. Today,  physicians find it difficult to detect Mesothelioma as its symptoms are similar to other lung diseases such as pneumonia and lung cancer. Moreover, it can take many years, decades, for a person exposed to asbestos to develop Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma Awareness

Being unaware of Mesothelioma poses higher risks since it deters diagnosis and treatment. A person undergoing treatment must know the different stages of the cancer or the extent of the disease. Chances of recovering from Mesothelioma and the kind of treatment depend on the stage of the illness.

Mesothelioma Staging Systems

There are basically two staging systems used for Pleural Mesothelioma (lungs): TNM system and Brighan system. These staging systems are also used in other kinds of cancers; however, the first is commonly used. There is no established method in determining the stage of the Peritoneal Mesothelioma cancer (abdominal) so the TNM system is used.

The Mesothelioma TNM System

There are three variables in the TNM system: tumor, lymph nodes and metastasis. In the earliest stage of Mesothelioma, stage 1 (one), the malignant Mesothelioma cells start to grow and multiply only one layer of the pleura. The pleura is the membrane that encloses the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity. However, there are some instances wherein the pericardium (membrane that covers the heart) and diaphragm cover are already affected. In this case, the cancer patient is still in stage 1 (one) Mesothelioma.

In the second stage, the two layers of the pleura are already affected by Mesothelioma. Take note, however, that in this stage, only one side of the body is affected. Normally, the pleura produces only small amount of lubricating fluid that allows easy expanding and contracting of the lungs. The excess fluid is absorbed by the blood and the lymph vessels so there’s a balance between the amount of fluid produced and removed. During the second stage Mesothelioma, fluid starts to build up between the membrane of the lungs and the membrane of the chest wall, resulting to pleural effusion. The increase in the volume of fluid produced causes shortness of breath and chest pain. Other Mesothelioma cancer patients experience dry and persistent cough. Diagnosis of the pleural effusion is achieved through a chest x-ray.

Stage 3 (three) Mesothelioma means that the malignant cells have already spread to the chest wall, esophagus and the lymph nodes on one part of the chest. The patient may suffer severe pain near the parts affected. When not treated immediately or when the Mesothelioma patient doesn’t respond well to medication, the cancer may advance to the fourth stage.

Stage 4 (four) Mesothelioma is formidable since at this stage the Mesothelioma cells have penetrated into the bloodstream and other organs in the body like the liver, the bones and the brain. The lymph nodes on the other side of the chest may also be affected by Mesothelioma in stage 4 (four).

The Mesotheloma Brighan System

Brighan staging system, on the other hand, determines whether the Mesothelioma can be surgically removed or not and whether the lymph nodes are affected or not.

Stage 1 (one) Mesothelioma, the lymph nodes are not yet affected and the patient can still recover through surgery.

Stage 2 (two) Mesothelioma, surgery can still be executed but some lymph nodes have already been infiltrated by the cancer cells.

Stage 3 (three) Mesothelioma, the heart and chest wall are already affected; thus, surgery is no longer advisable. The lymph nodes in this stage, however, may or may not be affected.

Stage 4 (four) Mesothelioma, the final stage, cancer cells have already gone to the bloodstream and other parts of the body like the heart, brain, bone and liver. In most cases, a patient who has reached stage 4 (four) Mesothelioma only has four to twenty-four months to live.

The Ten-Steps After a Mesothelioma Diagnosis: Mesothelioma Prognosis & Life Expectancy

Mesothelioma Prognosis & Life Expectancy


Click on the e-Book to get the 10-step guide about choosing a Mesothelioma Treatment and Clinical Trial


On this page:

Mesothelioma is a deadly form of cancer caused by inhalation of asbestos fibers, which imbed themselves in the mesothelia, or lining, of the lungs, abdomen, heart and/or testicles.  Mesothelioma symptoms typically arise decades after initial exposure to asbestos, and even once they appear they are often mistaken for symptoms of another condition.  Consequently, mesothelioma is usually diagnosed in the latter stages of its progression, and for most patients this translates to a very poor prognosis.  The majority of case studies indicate the life expectancy for a person diagnosed with mesothelioma is less than a year.

In rare cases, mesothelioma patients have survived for up to a decade or more, and the search for new mesothelioma treatments is ongoing. This is small consolation to patients and their families who are suffering from the effects of this horrible disease. If you believe you or a loved one was exposed to asbestos due to the negligence of a former employer or other party, you are advised to speak with a mesothelioma attorney.  By filing a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit you may be able to recover compensation for pain and suffering, medical bills and other factors.


Statistics Relating to Mesothelioma Prognosis

On the whole, statistics relating to mesothelioma are very inconsistent. For example, some studies show only 5 percent of mesothelioma patients surviving more than five years, while others show 10 percent surviving. The American Cancer Society estimates the average survival time of a mesothelioma patient after diagnosis is four to 18 months.

Much of the discrepancy in statistics comes down to the fact that mesothelioma — particularly peritoneal mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the abdomen and or testicle lining) and pericardial mesothelioma (mesothelioma of the heart lining) — is so rare. It is caused solely by long-term asbestos exposure, and those who worked in industries such as shipping, mining and construction make up the vast majority of mesothelioma cases.

Another reason for the variance in mesothelioma statistics is that many of the studies on which they are based looked at people in the past, and treatment methods have since changed and improved.  For instance, researchers and oncologists now know that the prognosis for patients with mesothelioma tumors comprised of sarcomatoid or mixed mesothelioma cell types is grimmer than for patients with tumors comprised of other cell types.

The inconsistency in mesothelioma statistics can be frustrating for patients and their families.  However, when certain factors exist the prognosis on a patient may be much better than the average.  Some mesothelioma experts believe that prognosis of the disease depends much on individual differences and less on the success of conventional mesothelioma treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy. The factors that determine a mesothelioma patient’s prognosis and life expectancy are covered below.


Factors Associated with Mesothelioma Life Expectancy

A mesothelioma patient’s prognosis and life expectancy is very much dependent on various factors such as the following:

Overall health. Patients who are physically fit and follow certain dietary guidelines have a better change of surviving longer.

Age. For many reasons, older patients are less-likely than young patients to survive a long time.

Symptoms. Mesothelioma symptoms are a strong indicator of a patient’s prognosis. For example, patients who have not experienced chest pain may have a better prognosis. On the flip side, those who have chest pain or shows signs of cancer cachexia (“wasting syndrome”), which is characterized by the inability to maintain weight, typically have a poor prognosis.

Smoking. While smoking does not cause mesothelioma, it can cause lung cancer, and patients who smoke are less likely to be physically fit and more likely to have compromised immune systems.

Type of mesothelioma. Prognosis also depends on whether the patient has pleural mesothelioma, pericardial mesothelioma or peritoneal mesothelioma. By taking biopsies and imaging tests, your doctor will be able to give you a better idea of how long you or your loved one can expect to survive.

Size of the tumor. Patients with smaller tumors have a better chance of exceeding the median survival time.

Location of the tumor. The life expectancy of a mesothelioma patient can be further determined by the location of the tumor and the degree to which is has spread. For example, patients with pleural mesothelioma that has spread from the lungs’ lining to the organ itself typically have a poor prognosis.

Resectability of the tumor. Resectable tumors are those that can be seen and removed via surgery. The resectability of a mesothelioma tumor depends on its size, stage, cell subtype and location. Though many (but not all) stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 tumors are resectable, most experts agree that only epithelioid tumors should be resected. Tumor removal is often accompanied by chemotherapy or radiation treatment to kill cells that cannot be seen, and to prevent “seeding,” whereby cancerous cells left behind in surgery imbed in adjacent tissues and lead to cancer in these areas.

Factors relating to blood. Patients with normal levels of red cells (hemoglobin), white cells, platelets and LDH typically fare better than patients with lower amounts of these blood components.

Mesothelioma cell type. Tumors comprised of sarcomatoid or biphasic (mixed) cell types usually lead to a poorer prognosis than tumors comprised of epithelioid cells.


Pleural Mesothelioma Staging and Models

A patient’s prognosis, or outlook, is based on the stage of his or her mesothelioma. Pleural mesothelioma — by far the most common form of the disease — is the only type of mesothelioma for which official “staging” systems exist.

In the United States, the most common system used for staging is the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) TNM staging system, which takes into account the original tumor (T), how much it has spread to nearby lymph nodes (N) and whether it has metastasized (M) to other areas such as the lungs or peritoneum.

Cases of pleural mesothelioma are classified into four stages, with stage 4 being the most advanced stage.  To determine the stage of a patient’s mesothelioma, doctors will:

  1. perform a physical exam
  2. run imaging tests (FDG-PET/CT scans)
  3. take biopsies

Nodal status. Mesothelioma cancer cells that spread to the lymph nodes are especially lethal.  Nodal status is one of the most important indicators of a patient’s prognosis.


Mesothelioma Attorneys

Researchers around the world are engaged in a concerted and noble race to develop effective treatments for mesothelioma, but currently little can be done to improve a patient’s prognosis once mesothelioma has been diagnosed. Some patients are able to stave off some of the more unpleasant effects of the disease through dietary changes, but ultimately mesothelioma overwhelms the body’s defenses and leads to death.

In order to develop new treatments to combat the disease at its earlier stages, and to improve treatments currently used, researchers are attempting to identify biological markers in patients who are likely to develop the disease.  Meanwhile, existing patients’ only recourse to pay for their medical bills is to take legal action against those responsible for their exposure to asbestos.  Generally, mesothelioma lawsuits have a far better chance of ending in a settlement or court award than other kinds of civil lawsuits.  If you or a loved one has suffered from the effects of malignant mesothelioma or asbestosis, contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible to discuss your options.

Understanding the Diagnosis and Treatment of Mesothelioma

What is malignant mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma, better known as malignant mesothelioma is a form of cancer that affects people who have been exposed to asbestos by working in an environment where they are exposed to and breathed in the asbestos particles, or they have lived in a home containing asbestos. Many people have lived in an environment with asbestos particles floating around and were not aware of it.

Malignant mesothelioma frequently starts out in the chest; one breathes in the sharp hooked particles-look like fish hooks when viewed under a microscope-however asbestos fibers can be ingested with food and drink.

The most common form of mesothelioma is plural mesothelioma. Asbestos particles are inhaled, the particles hook into the lungs. From there the particles slowly work their way to infiltrate the plural lining, which is the sac that contains the lungs. The patient cannot excrete these fibers; they stay within the body, because they are durable.

The body tries to fight the foreign particles that have taken up residence in the body. The asbestos particles cause irritation and as a result cancerous tumors start to develop. The plural form of the disease is very aggressive.

If you have been diagnosed with malignant mesothelioma, you have a cancer of the serous membranes, which are the membranes of glandular cells that secrete serous fluid. Serous membranes in the plural cavity allow the lungs to move with inhalation and expiration smoothly without friction. Many people have the have the disease, or know someone that has the disease have the misconception that mesothelioma is a primary form of lung cancer, but it isn’t. The cancerous tumors develop in the plural cavity. As the tumors grow there is less space in the plural cavity and the lungs become compressed. With lung compression comes respiratory failure.

What is peritoneal mesothelioma?

Peritoneal mesothelioma is cancer of the lining, the serous membranes, of the abdominal cavity. The serous membranes line the cavity and also line the organs. The serous membranes that cover the organs is also called the viscera, or visceral membranes. Peritoneal mesothelioma is the second most common type of mesothelioma. The cause of peritoneal mesothelioma is not clearly understood; however, it is believed the asbestos fibers get to the abdominal cavity two different ways.

It is believed that when a person inhales the asbestos fibers that over time the fibers break apart into smaller particles and find their way into circulation, and then as the blood vessels become smaller the particles work their way through the vessels and into different areas of the body. One such place is the peritoneum, but mesothelioma can develop in the testicles and other parts of the body.

The other theory is that the home is infiltrated with asbestos particles. When the person works in an environment the particles are all over the clothes and float in the air on dust particles. The kitchen are can become loaded with floating particles, and the particles can also settle on plates, glasses and silverware. It is believed that a person can ingest the particles. When they do swallow the asbestos particles they work their way through the stomach lining and invade the lining of the abdomen and the lining of the organs. Once the particles become lodged the peritoneal cavity they cause chronic irritation and then the tumors begin to grow.

What is testicular mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma of the testicles is a rare form. It is believed that asbestos fibers travel from the stomach to the peritoneum and through to the testicles, because the lining of the testicles is an out-pouching of the abdominal peritoneal lining.


Mesothelioma is sometimes called asbestos lung cancer, or asbestosis. Both terms are incorrect. Mesothelioma is not lung cancer, the disease does not cause tumors in the lungs. The tumors are in the plural lining that surrounds the lungs and compresses them until the patient goes into respiratory failure.

Asbestosis is caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers. They become stuck in the lungs and cause irritation, but does not cause cancerous tumors. This is a very serious lung disease that mimics the symptoms of asthma and emphysema. It is not to be confused with mesothelioma. As the cancer develops in the peritoneum, the serous membranes rapidly secretes fluid into the abdominal area, which causes pain and discomfort as the organs become compressed. Patients are often symptomatic for approximately 6 months before a diagnosis of peritoneal mesothelioma is made.


There is no staging system specific to mesothelioma; however, the staging is the same as is done with other forms of cancer, which is the TNM system-(T) tumor, (N) lymph nodes, (M) metastasis. The first stage (Tumor) indicates a lesion that has developed into a tumor. The second stage (Lymph Nodes) indicates that the tumors are contained within the organ surfaces and the lining of the abdomen. The third stage (Metastasis) indicates cancer cells are leaving the tumor and invading other organs of the body. Once metastasis has occurred the disease is difficult to treat.

Prognosis and treatment

Treatment of mesothelioma depends on the location and stage, and it also depends on the condition of the patient, because patients are often told their survival rate is between 8 and 12 months. Although there are special cancer centers around the country that do have better statistics. There are three types of treatments to treat mesothelioma: surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Very often it takes more than one form of treatment, such as surgery with radiation or chemotherapy with radiation. Surgery normally does not remove all of the cancer from the body. Time is of the essence in the prognosis and treatment of mesothelioma. When the cancer has metastasized to other organs it is much more difficult to treat.

New Test of the Blood Can Help Diagnose Mesothelioma Cancer Sooner

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by exposure to asbestos.  It strikes about 2,500 people in the U.S. each year.  But its rarity – and its tendency to mimic other lung-related diseases – can make mesothelioma hard to diagnose.  In recent years, some mesothelioma centers have begun evaluating the DNA composition of suspected mesothelioma cells using a test called a DNA array.

Now, a group of researchers in California reports that a different type of evaluation – one that looks for abnormal sugars (glycans) in blood serum – may offer another diagnostic option for mesothelioma.  Anti-glycan antibodies are produced by the immune system in response to certain malignancies and viral diseases.  This unique cancer diagnostic approach uses a printed glycan array (PGA) test, similar to a DNA array, to measure the binding of these anti-glycan antibodies and compare them with the glycans on the array.

In this pilot study of the PGA biomarker test, researchers evaluated samples of blood serum from 50 patients with malignant mesothelioma and from 65 patients who had been exposed to asbestos but had no mesothelioma symptoms. Researchers hope the PGA biomarker tests will help with early detection, diagnosis and prognosis of mesothelioma as well as help identify new therapeutic targets.

The study conducted by the Department of Computer Science at San Diego State University and funded by the National Cancer Institute, lays out the procedures for data preprocessing, quality control, data analysis, evaluation and visualization of the new PGA biomarker platform.  The PGA array was developed in collaboration with researchers at NYU Cancer Center and in Russia.

The current biochemical tests for diagnosing mesothelioma include immunohistocehmistry (IHC).  These IHC tests look for specific antibodies such as CEA, calretinin, cytokeratin 5/6, thrombomodulin, and N-cadherin.  The advantage of the anti-glycan tests over the IHC tests is that the former can be performed on blood serum while the latter require mesothelioma tumor cells.


Contact and ask Dr. Gill about this test and other questions about mesothelioma, as well as chances of being part of a clinical trial for a cure: ASK DR. GILL here

Vuskovic, MI et al, “Processing and analysis of serum antibody binding signals from Printed Glycan Arrays for diagnostic and prognostic applications”, 2011, International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications, 7(4), pp. 402-26.
“Printed Glycan Array for Lung Cancer Detection”, NYU Cancer Institute Website.

How to find a doctor for a second opinion about Mesothelioma

Do not be afraid to ask your doctor for a recommendation to get a second opinion, particularly when you have a good relationship with them.  Sometimes an internist or family doctor knows a practitioner who sees patients with Mesothelioma when there is Mesothelioma Care Center near by.

When your doctor cannot assist you in finding a second opinion, you can find one when you ask Dr. Gill the oncologist here at the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America.  Dr. Gill will  help you find the closest doctors who are experts in this field.   Another option is to check local medical schools to discover if they treat Mesothelioma.  You can use our web page to find additional references and links to government cancer websites.

Finally, you are welcome to post comments, ask questions and share your insights here which allows other individuals to respond and share information.

What kinds of tests for Mesothelioma can the doctor request?

Pleural Mesothelioma is easier to diagnose then Peritoneal Mesothelioma.

There are three (3) useful tests when beginning to diagnose your condition:

With the use of X-rays a photographic image is obtained from low doses of high energy radiation.  High doses of X-rays can be used to treat some cancers and is called radiation therapy.

Continue reading What kinds of tests for Mesothelioma can the doctor request?

How can I be sure about a correct diagnosis of Mesothelioma, and who tells me about the biopsy results?

The doctor who began your evaluation for cancer will generally be the one responsible to provide the diagnosis.  This could be your primary care provider. Those persons who were referred to an oncologist will probably receive their diagnosis from that specialist.  The doctor that delivers the diagnosis message should inform you about the certainty of the pathologist regarding your biopsy.  Ask for all the information that is available.  The best doctors will share any doubts.