Category Archives: Meso Facts

Mesothelioma is the name of a cancerous tumor that comes from the cells of the mesothelioum, a thin protective lining that covers many internal body organs including the lungs. Here you will find many facts about mesothelioma presented by Dr. Gill, a professor of Medicine and Pathology and head of the tumor and vascular biology laboratory at the University of Southern California. His clinical affiliation is with the USC Ambulatory Health Center and he is the Chairman of the Medical Advisory Board for the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America.

Fighting Mesothelioma: a review of case studies

The membrane lining which surrounds internal organs in the human body is known as mesothelium. When cells of the mesothelium become damaged and abnormal, dividing randomly, mesothelioma cancer may be diagnosed. Those cancerous cells not only attack the inner organs and tissues, but can also spread to other body parts. What makes mesothelioma cancer so dangerous is its aggressive nature and incurability. Some symptoms of mesothelioma include accumulation of chest fluid, chest pain, shortness of breath, fever, anemia and abnormal blood clotting.

Exposure to asbestos can be a risk factor for developing this deadly disease. Case studies on mesothelioma have shown a 70-80 percent relationship between this cancer and exposure to asbestos at certain worksites. Asbestos is used in manufacturing industries to produce flooring materials, cement, roof shingles, textiles, brake linings and other common goods. Asbestos particles can be released into the air, and are unfortunately inhaled or ingested. Asbestos may lead to devastating consequences once inside the human body. Workers and anyone who has come into contact with products and industries associated with asbestos are urged to receive thorough medical analysis. Symptoms may not appear until decades after exposure.

Mesothelioma case studies have also shown that intentional negligence on the part of manufacturing companies has caused many workers to be exposed to asbestos. Manufacturers who use identifiably dangerous materials have responsibilities to protect people who may come into contact with those potentially harmful substances. Implementing necessary precautions to safeguard people’s health is of top priority. Too often, proper protections have not been followed. Victims should pursue and seek the help of specialized, experienced mesothelioma experts because victims are likely to receive financial compensation and support for high expense in medical bills, lost wages from poor health, and other hardships induced by having mesothelioma cancer.

Mesothelioma: Basic Facts and the Need for Medical and Legal Assistance

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of people who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you must seek immediate treatment and legal advice. Mesothelioma victims and their families may be entitled to the best medical attention and financial compensation. Seek the best doctors and medical facilities, and get a qualified mesothelioma lawyer who will advise upon the best course of action for possible lawsuit and litigation.

Who is at risk for developing Mesothelioma?

The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) set limits for acceptable levels of asbestos exposure in the workplace. An increased risk for developing mesothelioma was found amount people who work in asbestos mines and mills, shipyards, workers in the heating and construction industries, automobile mechanics, and other trades people. People who knowingly work with asbestos wear personal protective equipment to lower their risk to exposure. In other cases, companies are negligent and don’t provide protective measures.

Symptoms and Treatment of Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a rare cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. The symptoms of mesothelioma may take years to appear. Some common symptoms of mesothelioma are: excessive fatigue, acute pain in the abdominal region and chest area, and shortness of breath.

Standard treatment of mesothelioma include: chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery or a combination of treatment and medications. These mesothelioma treatments are very expensive but with a knowledgeable mesothelioma lawyer by your side, you should not have to worry about paying your medical bills.

A Few Facts about Mesothelioma

The symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear for decades after exposure. You may have recently developed asbestos cancer from a job you left decades ago. The average survival term after diagnosis with mesothelioma is twelve to eighteen months. The courts in most states are generally reasonable; they know the urgency of mesothelioma lawsuit and often will help expedite it. In the U.S., about 3,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed annually. What should I do after being diagnosed with mesothelioma?

Once you are diagnosed with mesothelioma and receiving the proper care and treatment by a professional medical team, you should immediately seek legal advice and counsel from a knowledgeable mesothelioma lawyer who has experience in such cases. Your mesothelioma diagnosis will require medical and legal advice, which is where a qualified mesothelioma lawyer can help you. A qualified mesothelioma lawyer will be able to tell you everything you need to know about your legal rights and the amount of compensation to expect. Mesothelioma lawyers have the expertise in settling mesothelioma cases. You deserve the best treatment both medically and legally, so seek the best medical attention and the aid of a qualified mesothelioma lawyer as soon as possible.


Mesothelioma is an incurable cancer frequently associated with asbestos.   This video shows a lung with mesothelioma cancer and discusses characteristics.

Histopathology Lung, pleura–Mesothelioma
Video Rating: 4 / 5

What is Veglin for a Mesothelioma cure?

Veglin – Phase I and II clinical trials

Dr. Parkash Gill has invented Veglin, a type of antisense oligonucleotide anti-angiogenesis drug.  Veglin has been under clinical trials phases I and II  at the University of Southern California.  This drug has demonstrated preliminary success with  results of lowering VEGF levels  in tumors.  Tumor growth is aided by the protein VEGF.  The results of the  Phase I clinical trials using Veglin were released by Dr. Parkash Gill during the 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology.  The doctor said that results in some cases had shown Veglin to be capable of reduction of tumors and periodic stabilization.

Continue reading What is Veglin for a Mesothelioma cure?

How to get copies of your Mesothelioma medical records

Every patient has a right to copies of all their medical records.  All you have to do is in writing make a request of each doctor you have seen, and pay a small fee to have them copied.  Be sure to keep copies of all your records including doctor visits and test results.  With these, then you will always be ready for a visit to a new medical practitioner.  Learn and practice asking for medical record copies each and every time you receive a doctor’s diagnosis.

Are there other kinds of insurance for Mesothelioma patients?

In addition to health insurance,  you may have private disability insurance.  In some states, depending on where you live and work, you may be eligible to receive state disability insurance payments.  State disability insurance only covers a limited period, but every bit of insurance income can help cover your costs.

If you are a Mesothelioma patient with the disease caused from being a Ground Zero 911 first responder, the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act passed the congress on Christmas Eve 2010.  This act has set aside several billion dollars designated to assist in the medical expenses of 911 first responders.

Sometimes, when you have a life insurance policy and you need cash for paying medical expenses or other living expenses, and you’ve had a loss of income because of your Mesothelioma condition, it is possible to sell your policy.

You are advised to see the help and opinion of a qualified Mesothelioma attorney if  you believe your condition is work-related,  or if you have questions about your employer paying for sick leave.

Jerry Neil Paul: attorney for occupational- and environmental-related toxins.

Does my insurance pay for Mesothelioma cancer treatment?

You must come to know what kind of health insurance you have to find the answer to this question.  For example, some HMO health plans do cover everything so you would have little or nothing to contribute in payment.  The exception would be any co-payment that is required.

A common form of health insurance is based on a percentage split between you and the insurance company.    Typically the insurance company agrees to pay 80% while you pay 20% up to a specified amount, and then the insurance company sometimes pays 100% of the health care costs.  But also note the dollar limit the insurance company has agreed to pay on the lifetime of your policy.

Some people have Medicare which usually uses the 80% to 20% payment rule.  These people can also obtain a supplemental policy that can help cover additional costs.

A very important part of your health insurance policy is how it covers medication costs.  Find that paragraph in your plan and know its limits.

When insurance covers Mesothelioma cancer,  look for specifics .  Does the policy cover durable medical equipment such as wheelchairs and portable oxygen tanks used in your home?

Also, consider a Clinical Trial and being part of a research project about your disease.  If you qualify, you will be doing a great service for future generations looking to a cure of Mesothelioma, and the Trial sponsor may offer to pay for or simply provide an important portion of your medical care instead of the insurance company.

There is a lot to consider and when you have Mesothelioma so the last things  you want to worry about are the details of insurance coverage.  This is why your insurance carrier has representatives to speak with about these concerns.  Call the representative and ask your questions.   Have them call out by paragraph number from your policy their answers, and take note of these citations.  When you’re not sure you understand their explanation, ask them “Try again, please!  What does that mean in other words”?  Make them be clear for your understanding.  If your policy is connected with your job, there may also be someone at work that can explain your coverage benefits.

Having the insurance coverage is important,  so do what you can to have the policy not lapse or expire.  Your employer is also required to help get use of your COBRA eligibility when you cannot work anymore and are not returning to the job.  The COBRA program allows you to keep your insurance for awhile but its duration is situation specific, so you’ll need to ask.  COBRA is not free, you will have to pay for it, but it is an option that helps y0u stay covered by insurance while you find a replacement plan.

Where should I go to receive treatment for Mesothelioma?

A list of Mesothelioma treatment centers by state is available at the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America.

A mesothelioma treat center is the best facility to find your care, but when that is not an option go to the medical center with the most mesothelioma experience located nearest your residence.

Your medical team will include at least one Oncologist, possibly a chemo-therapist, a radiologist, a dietitian, and an a multitude of nurses and therapists as your need demands their help.

Ask your lead doctor and others on the medical team to convince  your insurance carrier of the importance  that you get help at a mesothelioma treatment center.

How to prepare for your doctor visit to learn the most about Mesothelioma

It does not matter what you are seeing a doctor about, it could be your Mesothelioma or maybe something else, there are some things you can do to obtain the most information and benefit from your visit.

When you go to visit a doctor,  always have your part of the medical information ready. This would include a list of all medications you take, a history list of your medical problems, and identify the surgeries you may have had.   Always bring your copies of your health records including lab tests, x-ray films or scans if you have them; bring it all.  Sometimes, your visit to the doctor could become a meeting with many doctors, so with your help and records they can have more to know.

Tell your doctor if you know you have been exposed to Asbestos!

Before your appointment, prepare a list of questions for the doctor.  As these occur to you, write them down.  Do not be fearful of asking the Doctor these questions.  Bring a family member or close friend to the meeting with you if it will help you feel more at ease when asking questions.  Having another pair of ears to hear the Doctor’s reply to each question can also help you remember what was said.

When you are not certain about explanations, ask for more information or where you can get additional details.  Many times there are brochures provided freely with detailed simple explanations to help with understanding.  Some medical facilities also have educators that can help you.

Regarding information about Mesothelioma, lung cancer, and much more about contracting this deadly disease from asbestos exposure, you will find a wealth of answers at the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America web site.

Here are some questions to get you started in making your list.  Also, review the reference links below to find more question examples:

  • What should I do if I need help after hours when the doctor’s business office is closed?
  • After hours, who do I need to contact and how?
  • Do I have all my prescriptions before leaving the doctor’s office?
    Should I make another appointment to visit again?  What date?

What kind of Doctor treats Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a cancer disease and cancer is treated by an Oncologist.

Dr. Parkash S. Gill is an Oncologist, and a professor of Medicine and Pathology who leads the research team at the Mesothelioma Research Foundation of America.

Ask Dr. Gill about mesothelioma cancer treatment
Dr. Packish Gill

You are welcome to Ask Dr. Gill questions here for free.

Surgeons who specialize in cancer surgery are called Oncologic surgeons who may be responsible for your treatment when surgery is required.